Human Motivation: Reignite your Performance Mind Watch Preview

Embrace Challenges, Enhance Life: Evidence-Based Coping Strategies for Turning Threats into Opportunities

A simple system to follow that guarantees peak performance every time you need it. It is based upon the REPEAT Model (Route to exceptional performance each actual time).

It is based upon a simple resources v demands equation of which the result with be exceptional performance or alternatively total failure dues to the demands of the situation outweighing the resources that you have at your disposal.

The whole process is easy to follow and a certain way to ignite the fire within you.

Benefits to you after this course:

1. Improved Stress Management: Learning and applying challenge and coping strategies can significantly improve an individual's ability to manage stress. This can prevent demands from overwhelming their resources, leading to a more balanced and less stressful life.

2. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: These strategies can enhance an individual's problem-solving skills, enabling them to find effective solutions to challenges and reducing the likelihood of feeling overwhelmed.

3. Increased Resilience: By learning to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than threats, individuals can build resilience. This can help them to bounce back from setbacks more quickly and adapt more effectively to change.

4. Better Emotional Regulation: These strategies can improve emotional regulation, helping individuals to manage their emotional responses to demanding situations more effectively. This can prevent these situations from causing distress and negatively impacting their life experience.

5. Improved Physical Health: Effective stress management can lead to improved physical health. Chronic stress can lead to a range of health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system. By managing stress effectively, individuals can reduce their risk of these health issues.

6. Enhanced Personal and Professional Relationships: By preventing demands from overwhelming their resources, individuals can maintain better focus on their personal and professional relationships. This can lead to improved communication, stronger relationships, and increased satisfaction in both their personal and professional lives.

54 Lessons

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Course trailer

Performance Mindset

A short trailer for the performance mindset.

Course documents and workbook

Course Narrative

Program Narrative

Course Workbook

Program Exercises

Course introduction

Course Introduction

Introduction to the REPEAT Model.

Introduction to REPEAT Model

The Route to Exceptional Performance Each Actual Time Model

Slides and Notes Introduction

Hard Copy Slides and Notes

Introduction to the REPEAT Model

What is the REPEAT Model?

Summary Module 1 and Introduction Module 2

Brief Update

Neuroscience and how to apply it

Neuroscience and How to Apply It

Learn how neuroscience is associated with performance.

Slides and Notes Neuroscience

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Neuroscience and the REPEAT Model

Link between the REPEAT Model and Neuroscience.

Summary Module 2 and Introduction to Module 3

Brief Update.

Understand pressure and you

Understand Pressure and You

The effects of pressure on your mind and body.

Slides and Notes Understand Pressure

Hard Copy Slides and Notes

Understand Yourself

How to fully understand yourself.

Summary Module 3 and Introduction to Module 4

Brief update.

Enjoy a challenge mindset

Enjoy a Challenge Mindset

What is a challenge mindset?

Slides and Notes Challenge Mindset

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Enjoy the Challenge

How challenge plays a large part in the model.

Summary of Module 4 and Introduction to Module 5

Brief update.

Smart thinking

Smart Thinking

All those thoughts and how they can help or hinder.

Slides and Notes Smart Thinking

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Smart Thinking and REPEAT

How to engage in only smart thinking.

Summary of Module 5 and Introduction to Module 6

Brief update.

Improve mental skills balance

Improve your Mental Skills Balance

Balance resources and demands for peak performance.

Slides and Notes Improve the Balance

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Improve the Balance

Improve your balance of resources and demands.

Summary of Module 6 and Introduction to Module 7

Brief Update.

Total Confidence

Mental Resource 1: Total Confidence

The role of confidence in performance.

Slides and Notes Total Confidence

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Slides and Notes Total Confidence 2

Hard Copy Slides and Notes

Resources: Total Confidence

First of the resources to increase.

Summary of Module 7 and Introduction to Module 8

Brief Update.

Focus Control

Mental Resource 2: Focus Control

Learn about the power of controllables.

Slides and Notes Focus Control

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Slides and Notes Focus Control 2

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Resources: Total Control

Second of the resources to master.

Summary Module 8 and Introduction to Module 9

Brief Update.

Only use approach

Mental Resource 3: Only Approach

The trade off between approach and avoid.

Slides and Notes Only Approach

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Resources: Focus upon Achieving

The third resource to pursue.

Summary module 9 and Introduction to Module 10

Brief update

How to self regulate

How to Self Regulate

Self regulation

Slides and Notes Self Regulate

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Regulate Yourself

What is self regulation?

Summary Module 10 and Introduction to Module 11

Brief update.

Learn how to adapt to pressure

Learn to Adapt

How to adapt to rapid changes in the nvironment

Slides and Notes Adapt to Pressure

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Learn how to Adapt to Pressure

The skill of adapting to stress and pressure.

Summary Module 11 and Introduction to Module 12

Brief update

Looking forward to your full potential

Looking Forward to Full Potential

What can we expect?

Slides and Notes Full Potential

Hard Copy Slides and Notes

Look towards Potential

Forward looking with the model.

REPEAT Final Summary

Final Program Summary

Final Update.