Sport Psychology for Performance Watch Preview

Mental Skills Training and Development

A mental training program that will introduce you to and help you to develop your winning mindset and mental strength for success in competition, training and life in general.

The program is all based upon scientific research and is evidence based to introduce you to the actions, behaviours and psychology of the world's greatest performers.

On completion of this program you will be able to:

  • Develop your mental toughness and flexibility
  • Enjoy supreme confidence
  • Eliminate anxiety, stress and poor mental health
  • Perform under pressure
  • Control your emotions and be psychologically prepared
  • Have mastery over your skills, minds and performances
  • and many more successful outcomes

Join us today and learn the mental edge that is the difference between winners and losers.

19 Lessons

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Trailer Introduction

Promotional Introduction to Mental Skills Training

Sport Psychology Program Narrative and Workbook

Explanations and Exercises

Sport Psychology Introduction

Program Creator talks about Sport Psychology

Professional Attitude, Mindset and Philosophy

The driving force for your actions.

Goal Setting and Achievement

The direction of your focus and actions.

Motivational Systems

The fire within

Sport Psychology Program Progress

Progress to date

Intensity, Arousal, Anxiety and Stress

What opens when the pressure is on

Intensity Demo

Intensity Control Demo

Concentration, Focus and Attention

Never Underestimate the Power of Focus

How to be Psychologically Prepared

Failure to Prepare then Prepare to Fail

Supreme Self Confidence, Worth and Efficacy

Do you think that you can do it?

Always Control Emotions

Can you be angry and win?

How to Mentally Prepare by Seeing Performance

If I see it, I can do it.

A Mental Rehearsal Demo

A Mental Imagery Demo

Positive Thoughts, Self Talk and Cognitions

The Inner Critic

Develop Mental Toughness, Strength and Determination

Mental Strength, Flexibility and Power

How Teams Share Mental Skills Training

Mental Skills x 12

Sport Psychology Program Summary

The Summary of your progress to date